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LOCATION: Place Lalla Yeddouna, neighborhood in the Medina of Fez

YEAR: 2011

STATUS: Competition

PROGRAM: Urban development

TEAM: Carlos Martinez / Fidel Mendoza / AMR Arquitectos / Gabriel Campuzano


Juan Alejandro Morales

The contest for the “Place Lalla Yeddouna, neighborhood in the Medina of Fez” presents itself as an opportunity to reconsider the attitude that cities of the XXI century should adopt towards water, the manner in which it is appreciated and ultimately, its significance as an essential element for life and to the spirit.

The scheme presented takes as its major interest in the environmental recovery and healing of the River Fez basin thorough its entire extension, introducing it as a model for the sector to be intervened and that should de applicable to the whole medina.

Place Lalla Yeddouna sector focuses all its efforts into integrating the primary ecologic structure of the city to the consolidated urban structure.

The proposed system ensures a natural way to avoid abnormal acidification of water therefore restoring the balance within the ecosystem because of normal levels of oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitrates.

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