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LOCATION  Bogotá, Colombia.

YEAR 2018

PROGRAM Institutional

DESIGN AR-AR - Santiago Buendía - Felipe Rodriguez - De La Carrera Cavanzo

COLLABORATORS: Luisa Sieger - Sebastian Bayona - José Campos

Starting from the recognition of the surrounding landscape as the most powerful element of the new building, the project is proposed as a lookout / sports center.


The complex topography and the project designed for the park pose the challenge of connecting the building to the different levels and elements that surround it. Understanding the above, we propose the resolution of the building through a bar / platform scheme.


In the platform we generate a programmed base that contains the uses that should be in contact with the ground, and that receive the visitor, using a conventional structure contributed. Arranged on these spaces, the sports center and the swimming pools, free of structural commitments, are open to the landscape, revealing and connecting the landscape to the users.


The bar in turn, configured from a conventional contrived structure and facing the sports center, accommodates the rest of the program in 3 floors. Its position allows it to interact at its different levels with the environment, as well as to generate a visual relationship between its different uses and the sports center.


As an articulating element of the bar and the platform we propose a large atrium that receives pedestrian flows and connects the upper and lower part of the park. In turn, we derive a series of connections from it to the environment, in order to transform the building into an articulator.


Obeying the landscape, the topography and its metropolitan scale, the building is then considered as an element of simplicity and volumetric forcefulness, which is integrated into its surroundings through simple gestures that give this large sports / functional surface, new meanings which are in resonance with the place.

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Martínez Arquitectura y Paisaje - Bogotá, Colombia. all rights reserved © 2025

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